Monday 1 April 2013

Anyone Who Thinks Apple Will Rule The World Forever Should Look At This Picture.

Know what this is?
PDP 8 

It's one of the first mass-produced mini-computers--the PDP 8. 
The PDP-8 was made by Digital Equipment Corporation in 1965.
It cost $18,000.
It was much less powerful and vastly harder to use than a cheap smartphone is today.
The PDP-8 and similar machines made Digital Equipment Corporation the leader in the mini-computer revolution. Mini-computers provided a vast price-performance-and-usage improvement over mainframes, so they quickly took over the corporate computing world. Digital Equipment Corporation, meanwhile, became one of the world's most dominant technology companies.
For two decades, the company's stock soared. Nothing would ever stop Digital Equipment Corporation.
When the personal computer appeared, DEC's founder famously ridiculed it.
No one, Ken Olsen said, would ever want a computer in their home.
You know what happened next.

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